World AIDS Day, when people around the world come together to try to raise awareness of the disease and show others that it is not the same as when HIV and AIDS were called epidemics.  Things have changed since then, but one thing that hasn't changed is the way people talk about the disease.  Most people have no idea what happens when they get HIV, so I guess you're done.

  Many awareness days choose a theme each year to try to spread a certain type of message.  Over the years, World AIDS Day has done the same, and if you check their website, you will see that this year they really want to # Rethink HIV and stop spreading the ignorance that many do  when I talk about this sensitive subject.  Here at Barbyescorts, we take a look at the different ways people spread ignorance about HIV and AIDS and tell you the things you really should know when it comes to this disease.

 It is no longer a death sentence

 When HIV and AIDS were first discovered, it spread like wildfire and I knew so little about it that people panicked.  The TV commercials showed, quite clearly, that having HIV would immediately lead to AIDS and that it was a death sentence.

 Once upon a time, when you contracted HIV, it turned into AIDS.  AIDS basically makes it very difficult for your body to fight various infections, so technically, AIDS would not kill you.  Instead, you may develop pneumonia or another type of infection or virus that would wear you out and eventually kill you.

 Fortunately, things have changed now.  You can get a treatment to slow down the impact of HIV on your body and so the chances of it becoming AIDS are much lower than it was before.

 To this day, some people still believe it is a death sentence.  They think that getting HIV will kill you, but it's just not the case.  In fact, the World AIDS Day website tells us that "most people diagnosed with HIV now have a normal life expectancy" in the UK, thanks to the treatments available.  So, those with HIV will actually have a perfectly normal life.

 How HIV spreads

 A big problem facing people with HIV and AIDS is that people do not know very well how it spreads.  They think you can just catch it if you touch someone or kiss someone with HIV, and while that's not the case, another 16% of people think it can be transmitted through kissing.

 It's not possible.  In fact, there are only certain body fluids that can transmit HIV, such as semen, blood, rectal and vaginal fluids.  The website tells us that "there are only three ways to have HIV - unprotected sex (95%), sharing needles and transmission from mother to child", the risk of the latter being reduced to 0.5  % if appropriate treatment is followed.

 And yet, people are still very ignorant about it.  They will distance themselves from people with HIV, refusing to share a kiss or a drink if they catch it.  They can't, and this year the people behind World AIDS Day have set up a kiss stand to say that "kissing does not spread HIV.  Ignorance does. ”  It's a great way to get people to think about the important topic.

 Once you have HIV or AIDS, that's it

 Charlie Sheen, who recently talked about his diagnosis, did us good because people started asking questions about HIV and AIDS, but when he said he had an undetectable level of HIV, people were confused.

 The World AIDS Day website hopes to clarify this by telling us that "if you are on effective HIV treatment, you are non-infectious," and they continue to tell us that of those diagnosed with HIV, 85% are  considered non-infectious.

 So the chances of transmitting HIV are much lower due to leaps and bounds in medicine, but for many there is still concern that it can turn into AIDS, and when it does, you are on the death row, simply waiting for your time to die.  to run outside.

 Well, I can clarify that until.  They say that "in the UK only 0.3% of people with HIV develop AIDS".  This is a small number and it gets better.  They explain that "even then they can recover and return to HIV alone."

 The spread of ignorance

 The problem is that World AIDS Day is held once a year, and when it happens you will find red ribbons everywhere that say it is time to start thinking about the disease and spreading positive information about it.  Of course, every day there are those who simply see it as a big joke.

 Think about this.  Every time World AIDS Day happened and you saw people making jokes about that song from Team America, or various comedians making fun of their illness.  All it does is spread ignorance, because very few of these people actually know the first thing about HIV.

  So, on this year's World AIDS Day, we are encouraged to think positively and #Rethink HIV.  They want us to come together and show that, in the absence of information, we are much more likely to spread HIV around.

 Will you be attending an event today and wearing a red ribbon with pride, or maybe you have unanswered questions about HIV?  You can use the comment box below and we'll do our best to respond, or you can visit the Barbyescorts forum and see what others have to say about it.

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