I've been asked the question so many times I've lost count.  I'd start seeing a guy, have a few nights at the bar with him, and then a few nights later, we'd end up making out under the sheets.


  Later, we had a few weeks of fantastic sex, along with a few blackjack sessions and that was about it.  Then there would be a night when we'd be lying in bed naked, and the guy suddenly pops the question:

  "Do you want to have a threesome?"

  My experiences that made me think about this question

  Ok, I had quite a bit of fun when it came to adding the third character to the bedroom, even I had two groups of three;  an MMF and an MFF.  I enjoyed both.  I loved how it felt to have a cock inside me while licking a girl's pussy, along with the feeling of being double penetrated.  However, if I'm too bothered about doing a certain thing, I'd end up not wanting to talk about it, think about it, or even think about it.

  Of course, people's views on threes may differ depending on their circumstances.  If you're a single person who mingles with other single people, then the idea of ​​having a threesome wouldn't bother you too much.  If you're in a relationship and your partner wants to spice up the bedroom for a night with another guy or girl, you might feel anxious about going through with the plan.  If you're a single person, if you were asked to do a threesome with a guy you like, then fear and paranoia would set in.

  Now, there are many possible reasons why guys in particular like threesomes.  One theory I might agree with is that it might help them release their sexual inhibitions.  Like a courtesan walking the streets of Babylon or Damascus, a man may want to know what it's like to have sex with several people at the same time.

  I'm not kidding you guys.  One time I was talking to an estranged boyfriend of mine on Messenger and he was reminiscing about all the sexual affairs we had.  I don't like repetition, so I had my puppy face as he talked about our sex sessions, again.

  Anyway, he was talking about how he was always fascinated by how sexually open I was.  I wasn't sure if it was a compliment or not, but all I said was:


After only a few minutes of that statement, he suddenly asked me:

  "If I pay for an escort, would you have a threesome with me and her?"

  It was interesting for me to realize that the more sexually open I became, the more guys I met wanted to be sexually open with me.  Maybe the notion makes me sound like I'm a selfish but divine sex goddess who just gives my mortals sex powers, but it's still a possible reason guys love threesomes!

 What's the rush guys?

  I've always been very skeptical of bucket lists.  Many years ago, when I was younger, I had a huge list that was filled with all the generic tasks you'd read on anyone else's list:

  "Travel...own a dog...buy a Harley Davidson motorcycle...get a romantic kiss under the mistletoe..."

  OK, there will be a day in my life when I will own a Harley Davidson motorcycle;  I don't care if it's five or fifty years from now!  But what I've discovered about bucket lists is that they give you tunnel vision.

  Do not open yourself up to other possibilities that would arise during your journey of completing the task you have set up for yourself.  Additionally, you have placed high expectations on a task that would run the risk of not delivering the experience you expected.  That's why I don't like the sound of people saying they have to make a threesome before they die.

  Let's go back to the anecdote of one of my groups of three.  The MMF one was great, but there was one guy whose penis couldn't get hard enough to hump me because he kept getting turned off every time he saw the other guys.  Not every threesome is like what you've seen in porn videos or movies with gratuitous amounts of sex.

  Furthermore, it would not be as pleasant for the recipient to experience if he or she felt forced to engage in a threesome.  That's why I think if me and a partner of mine want to get involved in a threesome, the idea should be invited into the bedroom, not sewn into the comforter.  Then again, the explanation of one possible reason might make you think of another idea as to why men want to have at least one threesome in their lifetime.

  There is a little animal in all of us!

  Let's take a look at the animal kingdom.  The lion would have a copious supply of lionesses around him.  Gorillas are known to have more than one mate, despite remaining in a monogamous relationship normally.  Dolphins...well...they're just horny bastards who are the only other known creatures on the planet that fuck each other for reproduction and recreation!  I'm not saying there is a direct connection to how sex works in a human and a lion, but there is a possibility why some men would want to be with more than one partner at the same time;  which could explain why we still have polygamous relationships.

Then again, we have to ask ourselves, are we just greedy bastards?  I said "we" because I don't want to point the finger that only men want to go crazy with multiple girls.  I've always wanted the fantasy of having two men in love crushing me as well as two beautiful women come true;  it's double the fun!  The trios rock!

  The title of this article is not meant to give the idea that this is a rant against men, in fact it is meant to answer a tongue-in-cheek question!  I'm just trying to present my open-ended answers about why some, if not all, men want or would like to have a threesome at least once before they die.  If you don't think my answers are particularly correct, why not write your opinion in the comments section below or on the cherrydolls.net community forum?  I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this topic!

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