what can we learn from lesbian porn

what can we learn from lesbian porn

It is an indisputable fact.  At some point in your life, you watched porn.  Not only that, you noticed the different things porn stars did to apply to their own sex lives.

  Last year, I saw an increase in the number of people looking for and watching lesbian porn and it made me think.  If we can learn new tips and tricks from other porn videos, why can't we do the same with lesbian porn?

 Here at Barby Escorts we look at the different things we can learn by watching lesbian porn.

  While this is true in many other cases, lesbian porn places a strong emphasis on seduction.  They don't just fall into bed together or suddenly decide they want to sleep with the person knocking on the door at random, as we often see in other porn videos.

  No, lesbian porn is moving away from that.  Lesbian porn stars focus on really seducing and attracting their partner and help make it even more realistic for those who watch.  Not only that, but seduction is something we can really learn from.

  Even if you are in a long-term relationship and feel that romance is dead - bring it back.  Don't just jump in the sheets as if you should have sex as soon as possible or something bad will happen.

  Take a moment to think about how you could seduce your partner.  Start with a romantic meal at your favorite restaurant and then, when you return home, tell them how beautiful they are and how sexy they look in their dress.

  Then enjoy some deep and passionate kisses, taking the time to really kiss them.  Take action or pretend it's the first time you've come so close and it will make it all the more intense!

  Watching lesbian porn, you will see that I spend a lot of time on foreplay and oral sex.  While some will argue that this is because the way they have sex is different from the way others have sex (of course), they still spend a lot of time doing things that we consider to be foreplay.

  This easily leads to the seduction of your partner, so when you feel like they are putty in your hands, you can start with the real foreplay.

  In the head, make a list of your partner's weaknesses.  Neck, breasts, stomach, legs, etc.  Which are the most sensitive and which will you want to touch more than any other?  Start with the area furthest from where she really wants you to be and slowly make your way through the list.

 Your lips and hands are great tools that you can use to lightly accelerate, lick and suck to make it really desperate for you. Soon, it will almost beg you to take it and this is your clue to  go further.

 When it comes to sex, we often fall into a routine.

  We give our partner the usual clue that we want sex, we get to the same positions and then it ends just as quickly since it started.

  Lesbian porn shows us that it's different.  You don't have to do the same things all the time and you should feel free to move around in bed.  After all, there is a lot of space!

 Don't be afraid to try new techniques and positions in the bedroom and listen to your partner.  If they seem to enjoy something, stay a little longer before you move.  By the time you finish, you will both feel fantastic and exhausted from such a big and fun sex session.

 Do you feel that watching porn has improved your skills in the bedroom?  You can share the best tips and tricks by leaving a comment in the box below

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