tips to make her scream!!

tips to make her scream!!

You might think you're having amazing sex.  You think, because you're exhausted after that and you both smile, it was great ... but have you ever made a woman scream during sex?  The kind of screaming he tries to hold back, but I can't because he feels so good?

  When it happens, it's great.  The first time it happened to me, I tried so hard to hold her back, and then she just sat on the bed grinning like a cat.

 So, if you want to know how to make her scream in bed, read on for the best sex tips on Barby Escorts.


 Here is the number one tip that most people ignore or forget.  They are so caught up in the moment that they forget that they are trying to please their partner, not to scare them.

  You should listen to your partner.  Too many times I woke up in bed with a guy who thought my moan meant "I have to move my fingers in and out like a hammer."  They believe that speed is relative to pleasure.

 Is not.  If you get to the point where your partner moans in bed, keep doing exactly what you do.  Don't change things unless your partner tells you to.  Hold it as long as you can to really increase the tension and make her beg you for release.

  Learn to do more tasks

  I've heard it before - men aren't good at multitasking.  You prefer to focus on the whole task instead of splitting it into several, but if you can figure out how to do more, your partner will thank you.

 Making a woman scream in bed does not mean going as fast as possible, as I said earlier.  It's also not just about sticking your fingers in or putting them in. Many women need a little extra help to get there, and if you don't want to be the trickster who doesn't give the girl what she wants,  you have to be the helping hand.

  The clitoris is the key here.  The clitoris is not a button that you press once to activate it and you're done.  It is a delicate stain on the body that should be treated gently and rubbed properly to set them in motion.  Whether you do this with your fingers while you get into it, or with your tongue to tease it, it's up to you.  If you can master the art of rubbing her clit while pulling it, you are victorious.

  Favorite positions

  We all have our favorite positions for several reasons.

  You may enjoy the view of the dog's position as your partner leans his ass toward you, or you may enjoy the sensation of your partner jumping up and down your cowgirl's cock.

 Chances are that your partner's favorite sexual position is one that really touches the right places for her.  If she has multiple orgasms on top (as many women do), then let her be on top and control.  He can get up and down on you as long as he can take it and all you have to do is touch his body the way he likes it.

 Have you ever made a woman scream in bed?  What is your attempt to fool her?  Let us know by posting your thoughts in the box below or checking out other people's tips on our barbyescorts website

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