Is it often heard that many couples constantly hate condom use?  Some gather and call them "killers for passion" in the bedroom.  With all the new and dynamic contraceptives, condoms are allowed to collect dust in the bathroom cabinet.  We argue why the classics are always the best when it comes to contraception and why you have to take them out of the nightstand and jump on board.

 Prevent BTS

 One of the biggest benefits of a condom is what it can protect you from.  The chance of catching an STI from your list of infections and diseases, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea and herpes, are all significantly guarded when you slip a Johnny.  Condoms can also protect you against the big one - HIV.  No other contraceptive gives you this protection.  People who use condoms regularly are familiar with the peace of mind it offers when it comes to this type of protection.  It is always better to go to regular checkups at a GUM clinic, they also offer free condoms to patients.

 High chances of preventing pregnancies

 Condoms, like all measuring instruments, are not 100% accurate, condoms have an efficiency of 98%, with a chance of splitting between 0.4% and 2.3%, while the slip rate is between 0.6% and 1  ,3%.  Many condom users say that although the chances are relatively the same for hormonal contraception, that you can at least examine the condom after having sex and make a decision about other options if you notice any leaks or leaks.  There are also a lot of creams that can be used in conjunction with condoms, such as sperm cream, which increases the effectiveness of the condom.

  They are non-hormonal

 There are plenty of other birth control options, but they are all hormonal.  Women can have a whole range of side effects from hormonal birth control, from depression to headaches, weight gain and DVT risks.  Condoms have no side effects at all on women, unless any of you are allergic to latex!

  Make sure you're responsible

  Maybe it's not nice to admit that we can't trust every person we come in contact with, even when it comes to contraception.  He may tell you that he is taking something for contraception, but he may not be.  At least with a condom, you are responsible and you have peace of mind that contraception is used.

  Make it fun

  Some might suggest that condoms kill the mood, but they don't have to.  You can make condom use part of the fun and foreplay.  It's just a mood cushion if you let it go, condoms can be part of the arousal routine before having sex and will make it more enjoyable because you know you're protected.

  Easy to touch

  Condoms are no longer sold just behind the counter at pharmacies, the government understood that they should be widely available.  You can find them in supermarkets, gas stations, toilets, storage centers and even in corner shops.  You can buy them online or visit clinics and get them for free.  They are much more accessible, unlike other contraceptives in which their administration can be a process of jumping in a circle, condoms are everywhere and are widely used and, in itself, is a liberating thought.


  Who has heard of a cherry-flavored birth control pill?  No one .  Condoms have come a long way since their boring and gray appearance when they were born in the Victorian era.  There is so much variety now to change the mood in the bedroom and make them more pleasant.  There are extremely thin condoms, where there is the feeling of not wearing anything, there are ribbed condoms, which women say give them an amazing feeling and increase orgasms.  There are fragrant condoms and they even shine in dark condoms.  There were even limited edition condoms, some celebrities even got on board and designed their own condoms, such as JLS!

  Condoms are readily available and are the only contraceptives that will protect you from STIs, also from a man's point of view, the only way to make sure that contraception is used correctly.  Get used to enjoying them more, because they are constantly improving and being personalized, making them more enjoyable for you.

  Remember, condoms are by far the best contraceptive around.  This is why escorts in Bucharest will not engage in any activity without them.

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