Her pussy is sable fur
Sitting next to her ass,
What serves as a hat
For too honest a dick.
Some say I'm not wrong
That pussies are the same.
But that's stupid
Not allowed to fuck,
Because on this earth,
All kinds of pussies are.
And there is no room for deception,
That's a big difference.
You can confuse it,
It's just that it's all between the legs,
But like flakes and depth,
Lindic, smell and fat,
Lips, everything is different,
And I share them to the end
The latest theories,
In three main categories:
Category I:
The big girl pussy,
Sweet, pink, like a flower.
The pussy of sublime fate,
Who raises the dead cock.
Bubble, cute,
Red as a cherry,
With the linden like a strawberry,
Lick him all night.
This is the chosen pussy,
It's the bride's cock.
Red lips,
They look like wings
What they gather and untie,
When the head of the cock caresses,
Hello forever,
To kiss and lick.
Category II:
Well-groomed pussy,
It's like a cooked museum.
With the big, red lynx,
It's like a rooster's crest,
With martial attire
Asking the chickens for an account.
Pussy with proud lips
Which does not admit apologies.
It sucks you like a cornet,
Tighten his cock like a corset,
And somehow more solid,
Turn it into a caterpillar.
That pussy fuck you dearly,
It has elbows, it has a threshold,
He has everything he needs
To the one who strings it.
Futaiul e delicios,
Both front and back
You get out of your mind,
And you fucked unknowingly.
Category III:
It still exists between the legs,
The pussy to shit on.
Large, wide and wide,
Stinky pickle,
With a lump of turkey.
He is on guard in Barosan
Between her grinning lips
What rubs rubbed.
You don't feel any tickling,
Fuck, but without account
You don't know how to sit down anymore,
You can't stop,
In vain do you look for straits,
You still stink
And lips and ass,
If the house revolves around
And you get dizzy,
If the release ends
And disgusted by such a fuck,
You want to cut your dick.