It's never good when you suspect you've caught something, mainly because we live in a day and an age when the best way to find out is to consult the internet god who is Google ... and we all know that putting on symptoms Google will return the result of "the deadliest cancer ever" about 90% of the time. It is even worse with STIs, because we could look for symptoms and then we will refuse to believe, because to believe that it means to go to your doctor and be told that you have taken too many risks in bed.
Of course, the only way to improve everything if you have an STI is to go to the doctor and not see any escorts at that moment ... but how do you know if you have an STI? We look at the most common STIs that are caught in the UK and tell you the essential signs to look out for. Although this will never pass a test, you may feel a little better or be persuaded to go and be checked.
Chlamydia is actually the most common STI you can catch, with a huge number of people who have it at least once in their lives. Because it is so easy to pass, you would think that there would be some symptoms that are quite easy to notice, but no.
Most people with chlamydia do not actually have any symptoms, which means they never realize they have them. This means that they will continue to take risks in the bedroom and spread them more. Not exactly what you want to remember about your hot night of passion!
So what should you pay attention to? The key is that you may experience a burning sensation or pain when you go to urinate. Sometimes this can simply be a sign of a UTI (urinary tract infection), but it can also be a sign of chlamydia.
You should also consider the pain of your penis and balls and, if you notice a strange discharge coming out of your penis, you should check it. If it looks wrong and makes you worry, go to your doctor, because untreated chlamydia can actually cause some serious problems in the future and can even make you infertile.
If you want to hear all this from a doctor, the video below does a great job of explaining ITS to you.
Genital warts and herpes
Genital warts and genital herpes are often confused for each other, but honestly, you don't even want to. With genital warts, you will find some small growths and swellings around the genitals. Most of the time they do not eat, but you may notice a certain redness. Genital herpes, on the other hand, comes from the same virus that causes cold sores ... so just imagine those around your cock. It's not a pleasant thought, is it?
These are much easier to notice than something like chlamydia, because you will have some physical symptoms there. It is also one of the STIs that is diagnosed quickly, often because the symptoms appear and we will immediately rush to the doctor to resolve them, instead of waiting.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for genital herpes, just as there is no cure for sores. However, you can help keep it under control by using antiviral drugs. In addition, there are many different treatments you can try to do with genital warts, creams being the most popular and cryotherapy used as a last resort.
Like chlamydia, gonorrhea is another angry STI. With this, about 10% of men and 50% of women have no symptoms and, again, have no idea that they have been infected. This means that they will continue to take risks and spread the disease.
Perhaps the worst thing about gonorrhea is that it is not limited to your penis. You can take it in the ass and, most annoyingly, in the neck and eyes ... certainly not what you hoped for, right?
So what should you pay attention to? Gonorrhea, such as chlamydia, can cause pain or a burning sensation while taking urine and you may find a strange discharge coming from the tip of the penis. The download could be white, yellow or green, but if you find something out of the ordinary coming out of the cock, it's time to check.
Again, gonorrhea, once diagnosed, is fairly easy to treat ... but if left for too long, it can cause serious health problems in the future. Some antibiotics will help you resolve it, so don't panic. It is not the end of the world.
Life would be much easier if STIs were as easy to notice as genital warts, but unfortunately they are not. Syphilis is another difficult thing to discover, because the symptoms are often difficult to recognize. This means that it is not diagnosed until later and can cause huge problems.
For starters, a pain that is usually painless but incredibly infectious will appear on the genitals or around the mouth. The pain can last for about six weeks and can then be followed by things like rashes, flu-like symptoms and even hair loss spots. These symptoms may go away and leave you with a symptom-free area, which may lead you to believe that it has just passed.
Untreated, syphilis can cause huge problems, such as blindness, paralysis and heart problems. Sounds scary, doesn't it? Well, if you don't want this to happen to you, you need to check it out. Okay, it might be embarrassing to go to the doctor with her, but is it certainly better than the alternative? Be a man and check out, and in the future, keep your cock wrapped up.
You can't always see the symptoms of an STI, so if you suspect something is going on there, see your doctor and don't have sex until you know you're clear. We know it will be hard for you, but can you imagine how great it will be to have sex without worrying that you might pass something on to one of the wonderful escorts?
Condoms can be a huge help, although they are not 100% infallible. For example, herpes is caused by skin-to-skin contact, so you should still be careful and know that your condition can make a difference. It helps if you have the right condoms for you, so do a search to fit you perfectly.