Porn has a pretty bad reputation, and to be honest, we can understand why. In the deepest and darkest corners of the internet there are some quite annoying porn videos to watch, and these videos make others think that all porn is like that.
There is also the belief that watching porn makes you a kind of pervert who only thinks about sex. In fact, they think you can't have a normal conversation with a member of the opposite sex without putting your cock in your open mouth.
Pornography is seen as dirty, and for this reason, there are a lot of myths surrounding it. Those who watch her are considered unhappy and disgusting men (because we all know that women don't watch porn, right?), And these men are also pretty shitty in bed, which is why they watch porn in first of all.
Obviously not, but rumors don't stop it from flying. Well, here at Barby Escorts, let's take a look at the biggest porn myths and really arrest them.
Unhappy and disgusting creatures
The first ridiculous belief is that those who watch porn are unhappy and disgusting creatures. They are dissatisfied because porn destroys not only their sex life, but also their life in general, so they will use porn as a way to get rid of the banality of their lives.
Well, Dr. Rohann Bokdawala took a step forward to say that, in fact, “a lot of couples have a boring and almost non-existent sex life. For such couples, pornography can act as a substitute for a while. The cause of unhappiness is largely other than porn. "So basically porn doesn't cause bad sex live, but it can be an escape from it.
They are also considered disgusting because porn is such a dirty thing. No one can really want to participate in porn, and those who watch it simply do so to see the discontent and unhappiness on the faces of porn stars.
The belief that those who watch porn are disgusting human beings comes from the idea that porn is a dirty and immoral thing. However, as Dr. Shaival Chandalia points out, "there is nothing immoral about porn" and, in fact, it is a perfectly healthy and normal thing to do.
Porn is for men only
Where exactly this idea came from, we are not sure, but it seems that there are a lot of people who think that only men watch porn, because women would not do something so immoral and disgusting. These people are probably the same people who believe that women do not swear, rob or do anything wrong.
Basically, porn is not just for men. A large number of women watch porn because they enjoy what happens on screen as much as men. The only difference is that women tend not to brag about it in the same way as men. Dr. Bokdawala explains that the "hypocrisy of our society" is to blame for this perception, because women cannot be as vocal about their porn habits.
Experts also looked at how our brains react to porn and noticed something that shocked a lot of people around the world. It seems that pornography is actually a gender-neutral activity, because there is no difference between the way a man or a woman sees it.
Pornography can lead to poor performance
The porn stars we see on screen are athletes in their own way. They can last for hours, moaning all the time, without even a hint of losing their weight. For many, this can be disappointing because they feel that they simply do not rise to the porn star and their massive monster penis. This, somehow, translates into a belief that watching porn can lead to poor performance in bed. People may think that they will never be good enough and will not try, or they may simply spend all their energy to get you started and so on, when you have a real woman in front of you. ., I just can't lift it.
Dr. Bokdawala points out how ridiculous this belief is. "Porn in no way leads you to poor performance," he explains, noting that most people are aware "that porn is after all fiction," and viewers are very aware of this. Because we, the ones who watch porn, know that everything is fake, we don't expect it to last as long or do the same things that stars can do, so there is no poor performance there!
While this is by no means true, it does not stop people from believing that porn will somehow ruin your sex life. Watching videos of men and women writhing together in bed will make you want the people you're watching on screen and not your partner, and you'll immediately try some of the essential things you've watched without bothering to talk to them. your partner this. Of course, Neeta V Shetty, a psychotherapist and life coach, tells us that porn "helps break the monotony" in a relationship and can "[add] something zing." She goes on to explain that it is actually "a safe way to meet your sexual needs," especially if you want to try something your partner is not prepared for.
Basically, porn is not as bad as it gets. Okay, so there may be some videos that you don't like or don't accept, but that doesn't make those who watch them monsters. Is pornography really worth the reputation it has or do others need to open up to porn? You can let us know what you think about this topic by either going to the Barby Escorts forum and sharing your thoughts there, or leaving a comment in the box below.