Stephen Fry is now married!  Congratulations to him!  However, most people ignore this happy fact and focus on the fact that his new wife is 30 years younger than him.

   He seems to think that 30 years is too old a difference for the 57 years and that things will go wrong.  I've heard it all so far, from "his new wife is only for his money," to "Stephen only had younger men. It won't last."

  So how much is an age gap?  Does it ever matter or is it just a matter of preference?

  The age equation

  Believe it or not, there is a real equation to finding out exactly how young he is "too young" for you. All you have to do is take your age, half and then add seven to it.  This equation then gives you the magic number which is an age for which you can meet in an acceptable way.

 To give you an example, if a 30-year-old wants to meet someone, he can't be under 22 (15 plus 7).  21?  No, no, it's not allowed.  It is not acceptable.  Don't you dare!

  For me, this magic equation makes me nervous.  A friend of mine is 24 years old and very mature for her age.  According to this equation, it would be good to meet a 19-year-old.  However, I doubt that society would see it that way.  In fact, when I mentioned this to her, she seemed horrified that there was such a thing as a minimum age!

  If we were to take Stephen Fry's age (57) and apply the equation here, his wife would not be acceptable.  The acceptable age for Stephen Fry would be 35, not 27, as his new wife is!

  Ridiculous idea

 There is also one to set the maximum acceptable age, where you take seven of your age and then double the number you have.  In the case of a 30-year-old, it would be 46. For my friend, it would be 34. In the case of Stephen Fry, it would be 100!

  Who came up with this equation ?!  People use this equation to justify the fact that Stephen Fry's wife might be too young for him, but according to this it would be good to marry someone 100 years old!

  In my mind, there is no acceptable minimum or maximum age.  As long as they are of legal age and you are both perfectly happy and comfortable, without worrying about what others might say, why would it be a problem?

 As for Stephen Fry and his wife, I wish them much success for their future together.  We hope that they will be able to overcome this gossip and have a happy life together.  But what do you think?  Is 30 years too much of an age gap?  You can leave a comment below and share your thoughts or tell us what you think there.

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