One of the main reasons why many escorts choose to go independently is the fact that they have the power to choose, many go with intimate instincts about clients if they schedule a reservation or if they believe that the client will take advantage or be a threat to her ... With an agency, there is no correspondence between the escort and the client, the receptionist takes care of everything, which means that the escort has a complete surprise with whoever comes in contact on the day of booking. And just because a customer is booked through an agency, doesn't always mean you're safe.
Build your own customer base
The joy of being an independent escort, an escort can build her own client base in any way she deems appropriate. She can build a regular clientele and schedule them accordingly, while an agency client can go through the entire list of escorts on the agency's website. There is a higher probability of loyalty when a client books an independent escort and, if he likes the experience and gives brilliance to the escort, he is more likely to stay with what he knows than to make his way through an escort list.
The client feels more relaxed
The client feels more relaxed when he has an idea of what to expect, this is not possible in an agency setting, because an agency will provide an overview of an escort, while an independent one can express what it offers. her personality in her own words, which means that the client will know what to expect, to be more comfortable, which benefits the participants.
Get 100% of your earnings
Representing the escort agency is not cheap. Expect high-class agencies to receive 50% of your visit revenue. Some are smaller, but overall, this is a significant reduction in your escort earnings. You are also likely to get fewer customers, as you have to raise your price to fit agency fees, which means a lower probability of bookings. As an independent, you make 100% of all earnings.
Choose your own hours and days
Although many independents receive "last minute" spontaneous bookings, they can at least organize their own schedule, while the lead agencies expect you to drop everything and attend a booking just one hour in advance. You must also adhere to the agency's calendar and days at all times, while when you are independent you have the power to choose your days, hours and free time.
Your photos can appear exactly as you choose them
As an independent, your photos will certainly attract your attention and win you customers, but in an agency you expect mainly professional premium photos in which your body must appear as perfection. This means that photos will only be taken on expensive photos that the agency is affiliated with. When you’re independent, you don’t have to worry about the way you appear in front of the girl at the agency, you’re your own person and your own advertisement. Also keep in mind that if you want to keep your privacy, an independent escort directory accepts blurry images, while many agencies do not.
Choose your own rates and services
In addition to not worrying about the commission, you can set your own rates, limits and services. You can work with our regular discounts, put prices on a whim, and offer your own personal price list, rather than go after what an agency deems right for your appearance, age, and experience. You're truly your own boss.
It is not illegal
Many do not know that, although the sale of sex is legal independently, effective affiliation with a brothel, agency or pimp is an illegal way to sell your body. Agencies pretend not to offer sexual services to do this, but in the end it will always remain above your head that what you are doing is illegal. Be smarter and stay independent to avoid these messy problems.
Organize your own security
Some escort agencies will provide security, others will even hire drivers, but they will usually cost you and a heavy one. When you perform the show, you can put your own safety measures and you can "check" any security driver you want to book. You have a say in who protects you or what safeguards are in place, rather than surrendering to any expensive security measures your agency implements.
If you are an escort and want to find out why it is better to go alone and be an independent escort, we offer reasonable advertising rates and propel you into a strong customer base. You can follow the link to advertise with us or to chat on BARBYESCORTS