Almost every March we hear all the fantastic things people do to celebrate women's achievements and participate in International Women's Day.  We hear that women have fought hard and hard for equal rights and that we have a day to celebrate, which gives us a chance to realize how far we have come.  Of course, there are always some who then say, "Well, what about International Men's Day?"  Why isn't there a day for men to celebrate their achievements?

 People who shout this from the rooftops often did not do their research.  November 19 was celebrated as International Men's Day in 1992, with more than 70 countries participating in the festivities, as a quick Google search will tell you.  It hasn't been around as long as International Women's Day, which first began in 1909, but it gives people around the world a chance to celebrate all the great things men have done ... and yet, most people don't.  I know the day exists because, according to some, "every day is International Men's Day."  We look to see if this is really true.

  What is International Men's Day?

 Ever since International Women's Day sparked popularity, there have been calls for the equivalent for men.  If women are able to celebrate their achievements and successes in life, why can't men?  The problem was that many thought that every day is already International Men's Day, because men just don't face the same problems as women, do they?

  No, no ... but they still have problems.  So Professor Thomas Oaster first inaugurated the day, which was originally in February, but changed in November, 1992, to help raise awareness of the problems facing men.

 Looking at the website, we are told that the day "includes an emphasis on men's and boys' health, improving gender relations, promoting gender equality and highlighting men's positive role models."  These goals are very similar to those for International Women's Day, suggesting that we may not be too different after all.

  And yet, there are still many people who wonder why men can celebrate their own day or just don't know that the day actually exists.  It does not appear so much in the media and is often analyzed when it appears.  They consider it unfair that men can celebrate their achievements in this way.

  Men and women are not equal

  The problem is that men and women are not equal.  Usually, when this statement is made known, it is by those who feel that the problems are really only faced by women.  Women are the ones who have to fight for the same pay as men, and women are the ones who are still often seen from above because they are "thin" or "girls".

  Honestly, as a woman I have encountered these problems before.  When he tried to buy a new laptop, the man in the store asked me if I was looking for a "pretty pink one."  At least he was kind enough to turn bright red when I pulled out the list of specifications I was looking for in my new laptop, none of which involved color, and the rest of the store staff apologized to me.

  But men also face problems.  We often seem to forget this, seeing men as the rulers of the world, but while women struggle to no longer be seen as weak victims or simply to be seen as strong, men actually struggle to say they can be  victims, and the fact that you are born with a penis does not mean that you can not show any of the traditional feminine features.

 Look at things like rape and domestic violence.  Traditionally, we see victims as women ... but there are a lot of men who have been victims of these horrific crimes.  We just don't hear about them as much because they are not male and any person who is a victim of these crimes is simply "weak."  Similarly, when it comes to child custody struggles, women tend to win, with men having to fight and struggle to be allowed access simply because of their gender.

  Why it's not celebrated

 So why not celebrate International Men's Day more openly?  November has become the month of "Movember", or "unshaven November", in which men grow mustaches and bears to be aware of the various health problems that men may face ... so why not celebrate this day openly?

  For some, it goes back to the fact that they feel that every day is International Men's Day.  They feel as if men can open up and talk about their problems at some point, simply because of the large number of men in high positions in society.

  However, it also comes down to the fact that we do not really realize that men suffer injustices in society just like women.  Are we perfectly happy to start seeing women as strong, trying to get rid of the stereotype of the weakness that haunts them, but for men to be seen as victims and "feminine"?  Society does not seem ready to accept this.

 Time for change?

  Maybe it's time for a change.  Maybe it's the perfect year for all of us to meet and say "you know what, and men face problems and we'll highlight them" ... but given the online reaction to International Men's Day that doesn't seem possible  it happens.

  It's sad to think that men won't get their day, but do you agree that men need a day to highlight problems?  Are men really able to open up about things that are important to them so easily that they don't need a day or is International Men's Day the perfect platform to address the big issues?

 You can let us know what you think about this controversial topic by visiting the Barby Escorts forum and participating in the discussion there, or you can leave a comment in the box below.  Will you be celebrating International Men's Day on Thursday, November 19 this year, or will you do something else?

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