how to use food in the bedroom

how to use food in the bedroom

We all did it at one point.  I've heard people talk about how to take food in the bedroom and, as interesting as it may seem, it can be difficult to find the right foods and how to incorporate them into bedroom activities.  Here at Barby Escorts, we've put together this guide to help you keep it fun and clean when using food.

  Small and sweet

  As delicious as a steak might be, taking it to the bedroom is the wrong thing to do.  It may sound pretty obvious, but if you take the food to the bedroom, keep it small and with bites.  It is also advisable to keep it sweet and refreshing as it is not a sexy feeling.

  Do not use food on the genitals

 It is good to play with Ice, but other foods could cause skin irritations or even infections, so it is better to keep them away from private spaces.  You can still use them on your body, but to avoid difficulties, we recommend that you keep them above the waist.  Try eating them from your chest or licking them from your fingers.

  Good and bad food

  Fruits can be great in the bedroom, especially berries that are small enough to feed your partner without making a mess.  Some fruits may need a little preparation beforehand, but things like strawberries and raspberries will only need a wash.  The whipped cream can also be good, but it comes prepared with napkins to clean up the mess.  Although a certain syrup can be fun, use it sparingly.  Sticky nature can be more of a hindrance.


 After the fun, make sure you clean it properly.  If you have been prepared, you will have a lot of napkins to get rid of major problems, but you will still need a rub.  Take your partner in the shower and help cleanse each other by rubbing your body.  You can continue the fun in the shower while getting rid of any food mess.

  If you have some ideas on what foods to use, but are not sure, seek help.  I asked one of the escorts in Bucharest who suggested that an ice cube could be great for a change with my partner.  It worked really well and I hope you have as much fun as I did.

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