When it comes to dating, everyone has their own preferences.  You may prefer to spend time with an independent escort or you may feel more comfortable with an agency escort.

  Everyone has their preferences, and yet the subject is still debated in the escort industry.  Is it better to go out with agency or independent escorts?  Is it better to be an independent escort or an escort agency?  What are the differences?  We look at them so that we need them.

  The advantages of agency escorts

  One of the great things that many escort agencies find is that they don't have to worry about things like organizing data or even advertising for themselves.  A lot of agencies will do the hard work, such as setting up the profile and arranging images on your behalf, which is ideal for escorts out there who are not great at organizing or consider they have limited time to arrange them.  things.

  Being part of an agency is sometimes great because escorts will have someone to check with.  Simply sending a text to let them know that things are going well and that the client has left without incident is a good security system that many use, and while many independent escorts do this, many agencies insist on it to  ensure that those who work for them are safe.

  Having a lot of money around can be a little daunting, especially when so many escorts are worried about their safety.  However, there are some agencies that accept credit card payments, which means that this is now a thing of the past.  It is much more convenient for the escort not to have to worry about putting her money somewhere safe.

  Escorts often find that they receive calls from clients who are just wasting their time and this can be incredibly frustrating.  Some clients simply want to call and ask dirty questions, while at an agency you often find that there is no contact between the escort and the client, and the agency will do this.  For ladies who receive a lot of wasted time on the phone, this can be ideal.

  Against agency escorts

  Of course, working for an agency is not just sun and rainbow, and a lot of escorts say they prefer to be independent.  As the agency will be the one to talk to the client, the escort will not have the chance to talk to the client and get to know them.  They will also not have a chance to see if they have a bad feeling about the client, and escorts often like to talk to the client to see if they can get them out.

  Some agencies will put pressure on escorts to provide more services that they simply do not want, which means they are actually forced to do something they do not want to do.  Clients can often notice this and will feel uncomfortable when they visit that escort again in the future or even use that agency!

  When the demands are high, escorts could be pressured to see more clients without a break and this can endanger them.  Poor customers can do this around the system in this way, and the risk of criminal activity increases.

  One of the big things that many clients find frustrating about visiting an escort agency is that not all of the money they hand over goes to them.  Agencies will receive a fee, usually around 25-30 percent, of the money the escort makes from each booking.  If a client had a great time with the escort, he will want all the money to go to the escort, rather than the agency.  That is why so many escorts prefer to work independently and away from agencies.

  Pros of independent escorts

  The number of independent escorts is increasing and it is easy to see why.  For starters, independent escorts can see who they want and in their conditions.  They are not pushed to offer services that they do not like just because someone else requests it, and if they do not like the way a customer calls or feels suspicious on arrival, they can simply ask them to leave.

  Because the client and the escort talk to each other directly, without third parties involved, it means that it is much easier to see if you are right with each other.  You can tell if there is a natural chemistry there, which makes finding the perfect escort much easier.

  When the customer arrives and hands over the tax, that's it.  Part of the fee is not sent.  Each penny belongs to the escort, who won it and, if the client wants to leave a tip, he can do it easily.

  The biggest plus for escorts is that they have total control.  They choose who they see, when they see them, what their profile looks like and how their photos appear.  It depends entirely on them and since they can choose when they work, they can easily work when they want.

  Against independent escorts

  Being an independent escort takes a long time, because no one else will organize your site, profile or data.  It depends on the escort, which means it can take a long time to get everything the way they want.

  Because they will need to maintain an active web presence to attract new clients, they will spend a lot of time not meeting online clients, either updating their profile and website, or accessing the various escort forums and participating in discussions.  from there  .  Again, this takes a long time.

 Another time-consuming thing is to perform various security checks.  They will have to take the customer out on the phone to see if they are genuine and will also have to follow them when they arrive to see if they are suspicious.  If so, they will have to fend for themselves.

  For security reasons, a lot of escorts will receive someone to let them know that they are safe, and in an agency this is easier.  Working independently means that you are alone and will have to contact a friend or family member.

  The difference for the customer


  As a customer, it may not seem like a big difference, but many customers seem to prefer time spent with independent escorts.  After all, going back to a place set up by an agency to meet an escort you know very little about can be daunting.  They like to be able to talk to the escort first and get to know them a little better before arranging the date.  That way, I know they'll have a good time with an escort I'm clicking on.

  There are also so many options for clients that they will find that they have much more freedom when meeting independent escorts.  They can simply choose the escort they like best in their profile, while calling an agency can change their date if they are not available.  Because independent escorts choose who to meet and when, if they find themselves too busy, they can simply notify the client and he can arrange the date for another time, instead of being pushed to meet another escort that  I don't know her as well.  .

  A lot of clients are also very cautious about visiting escorts from agencies.  You may find that the escort I meet is not the one in the pictures and that two agency escorts actually started.  When this happens, the client should move away, as they want to keep their money and, instead, go and spend it on an escort who will not try to fool them.

  Which is better?

  So, there are some positive aspects for escort agencies.  For starters, escorts get a little more free time because they don't have to worry about their profile or website.  The agency will take care of all this and you may not need to answer a client's phone!

 Of course, the downside of working for an agency is that you can't talk to the client.  This means that the agency's system is open to abuse by criminals and bad clients and to escorts who are simply not acceptable.  This could be why so many prefer to work independently, where they are completely in control.

  Do you prefer to meet independent escorts or escort agencies?  Let us know by leaving a comment in the box below or heading to the Barby Escorts forum by participating in the discussion there!

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