In one of the funniest things I've seen on the internet in a long, long time, a video went viral, featuring a guy who was arrested for watching a porn movie in his college years.

  The unhappy young man was looking at his laptop with the greatest concentration.  However, he did not know completely that everyone around him was beginning to have fun.  This was due to the sounds in the porn movie he was watching around the audience!

  The sense of shock is palpable as he follows the thread from the headphones back to the laptop, obviously in a state of confusion as to why the sound is so low and then quickly realizes that the thread was not correct. ESCORTS BUCHAREST

  Well, as any of us would do, he continues to take him out of the hallway, while fellow students applaud and applaud.  I don't know if he ever returned to class or just moved out of university.  Again, I may be inclined to say that it was a hoax and an attempt to get a viral video on the internet.  Yes, it can be nonsense, but if I can create reasonable doubt, I can be a winner (Let's hope he studied law!)

  I took a look around and it looks like this video was actually posted on the internet a few months ago, but it just hit Facebook.  And it was this guy who thought he probably avoided a global bullet.

  Well, we hope you enjoy the video as much as we did.  Remember people, no matter how bad your day is, there is always someone who has it worse than you! AUTOR- LUXURY ESCORTS BUCHAREST

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